
At the beginning of the semester we all chose a country we wanted to learn more about. I chose Argentina because I had a family member who had travelled there once, so I wanted to learn more. As I researched the country I learned all manner of interesting facts.

For one, their most valued export is soybeans. In fact, the majority of agricultural land in Argentina is dedicated to soy production. There are millions of acres of agricultural land in Argentina. Most food and produce grown at these fields is shipped abroad to countries like China, Brazil and the United States Interestingly, a lot of this produce is shipped by railroad, which are extensive across the country. The rail system in Argentina is actually the largest rail network in all of Latin America These rail systems transport goods to larger cities and ports where shipping them on the global market is feasible.

Argentina is also home to the highest point in the Southern and western hemispheres; Cerra Aconcaqua. Not only that, but the country also holds the record for lowest point in South America. The population of Argentina hovers around 45 million, 92% of which reside in the major cities around the country. Being the 8th largest country in the world by land area, it is large enough to span 4 different climates, encompassing a variety of diverse ecosystems. In fact, 10% of all flora in the WORLD is located in Argentina- That’s a lot of plants. There are 33 national Parks to showcase this beauty, should you be so inclined to visit.


There are multiple local beer brands named after politicians. The largest dinosaur in the entire world was also discovered in Argentina; a massive sauropod named Argentinosaurus. The Cuban Revolutionary Che Guevara was born in Argentina. Tango dancing has its origins in Buenos Aires. Many Schools and businesses close down in the afternoon for a Siesta nap.
